Hello friends and Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Celebrating in green and white, and since many of you are experiencing unexpected (and perhaps un-wished for) snowflakes this week, here is a sweet flowering bulb called just that – Spring Snowflake (Leucojum vernum). Along with its variant, Summer Snowflake (Leucojum aestivum), it is sometimes mistaken for a snowdrop, but flowers a week or two later. So, although you may not appreciate winter hanging on as it seems to be in many areas, this shows that some spring snowflakes can be most welcome.
Our woodland garden is awake and blooming with daffodils, hellebores, early rhododendrons, hyacinth and periwinkle! The first robins and winter wrens are singing with gusto at dawn and, a sure sign of spring: D is preparing the lawns for new seeding. The office is filled at this moment with the heady scent of a luxurious bouquet of deep purple hyacinth, harvested yesterday by Erin from her greenhouse at Floret. (I do know I am very lucky!)
Wherever you are, we wish you a week of happy adventures and joy in the simple beauties of life.
with love,
Such lovely spring images! No snow for us this year, but now, I am already getting spring fever with all the daffodils poking their little heads out! The cherry blossoms are already decorating the landscapes with pink! Exciting!
I love the scent of hyacinths indoors.
I must check on my snowflakes and see if they are awake yet.
Lovely, lovely green and white images Georgianna touched with those little glimpses of gold discreetly showing.
so so lovely…….I just love your work.
A taste of spring, thank you as we have had more snow:( Wishing you well and warm hugs, Jen
What a perfect flower you selected, and I love the vase! We all remember a year ago, when it was 80 degrees here on St. Patrick’s Day. Today is was pretty chilly when we walked our dogs. That’s Michigan for you!
As always, thanks for the beautiful images for us to enjoy!
Those flowers are so unique! And the way you photographed them is so beautiful. Have a great week!
Hello Georgianna
Thank you so much for the comment on my giveaway, and also for your support throughout the 6 years, I’m sure you have been there from very near the beginning of secrets and I really appreciate that.
Your comments are always so heartfelt and uplifting.
Just like these spring flowers infact! It sounds like you have many out already there! Here only the snowdrops are awakened. And some hellibores from winter. They even survived all the snow. I really look forward to more flowers returning soon,
Love kat x
I love those blooms, with the green bits of color on each petal. It reminds me of ballerina skirts and a certain artist whose name escapes me at the moment.
Happy Spring ~ FlowerLady
Your spring snowflakes look wonderful and your garden sounds delightful. A bouquet of purple hyacinth sounds divine. The joy of bulbs (and a cool climate).
Incredible set of images, Georgianna. J’adore.
Exquisite, my friend! I especially like the last picture of these beauties laying on the pastel colored boards. Inspiration is never-ending on your blog. Thank you for sharing!
These say fairies in the garden to me – little white caps with green polka dot trim.
Either they’re short lived here or critters eat them, because the ones I planted don’t appear any more.
And, you are lucky to have a sweetly scented office from Erin.
Dearest sweet G, these flowers are so sweet and beautiful! Gorgeous colors and i am so happy to know your woodland garden is awake!! Have a lovely merry happy week ahead and happy Monday! Love to yoU!
ahh…I remember seeing these on the hillside when I lived in the East Coast years ago. What incredible smell for such tiny flowers. Oh wait, maybe I’m confusing these with lilies of the valley. Never mind :)
Beautiful blooms for St Patrick’s Day G, what perfect colours! :) Isnt it such a relief to see all the spring blooms popping up now! The garden here in our apartment is currently yellow with daffodils and narcissus, they are such a pleasure to look out at!
Such beautiful flowers! I actually planted a lot of those bulbs last fall but I think they’ve all rotten in the soil. They don’t mind wet ground I read but to survive in the water for months was too much for them I think. Imagine me looking at a bare spot in the garden, searching for something to sprout? Must be a weird sight. I think I’m about to give up with this garden.Drastic measures should be taken to have anything grow here I think. But then again, I don’t have a husband who cares about even having a garden. It would be so much more fun to be able to enjoy working in the garden together and much more doable as well. Luckily we have you to show us these beauties to enjoy. Thank you Georgianna! Wishing you a happy week.
Suck delicate flowers! Happy week to you, too, my friend!
Such pretty and delicate flowers! Your garden sounds fantastic. We still have looooong way til spring, plenty of snow and cold. At nights it’s -5F degrees, luckily the sun warms it during the days.
Dear Georgianna, So beautiful!. Your photographs are stunning, as always. I remember seeing fields of Leucojum blooming near Passau, Germany. A sight I will never forget. I have tried growing Spring Snowflakes in my garden without much luck. Will try again after seeing your gorgeous photographs. ox, Gina
Those have to be some of the most delicate, gasp-invoking, sweet little flowers I’ve ever seen…beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing them and making my heart skip a beat when I saw them. Spring is almost here…we have snow this morning, but there are buds and chirping birds so I know it’s close! Have a wonderful day, Georgianna. :)
Dazzling, like spring fairies!
Have a wonderful week, Georgianna. :)
What a beautiful little flower this is, and as always, your photographs are just beautiful.
We are just beginning to see the very first signs of spring here, and it really is such a welcome sight.
Wishing you a wonderful week ahead!
Beautiful images, G!!! My fav is #4, for its color harmony, design, and of course, the lovely Snowflakes. Wish we had this type of snowflake to contend with, instead it is the cold white stuff that is falling. Our snowflakes are beautiful, too…..but, enough is enough!
Happy week to you.
xo ~ A
I like the name of this one and the look of it, even though I am against snow in springtime! ;-)
Oh, how springlike and beautiful! I especially love the photos where the flowers lay against the wood, so pretty…
I hope you’re having a great week!
xo Moa
PS. You’re woodland garden sounds like something from a fairy tale…
Your photos always bring a happy smile to my face. Thank you!!
These are so beautiful and delicate, Georgianna! I love your advice: let’s find the joy in the simple beauties of life. This is the secret to happiness after all, isn’t it?
Oh… how beautiful…white and green, so delicate, so sweet!
It’s almost unbelievable how your photos always surpises me with their beauty …you’ve got that talent to touch with your pictures and words.
Today I’m so grateful that I’ve found your photos – they always bring such a joy to me!
If only they were coming up in my yard. Instead we are faced with 6″ of freshly fallen snow and it continues to come down. Thank you for the sweet spring preview, G : )
so elegant and delicate this post!
Ciao Georgianna
These are precious! I also love the container you have them in. So beautiful! I’m so excited for Spring!! :) Hope you are enjoying it so far… xo.
Gorgeous as all your floral images always are! And so delightful to imagine your woodland garden full of spring flowers! What an inspiring and cheering post, dear Georgianna!
Dear Georgianna,
How wonderful that Spring has come to your parts, it truly is the best season of the year. The snowflakes are sweet
All the beautiful fragrance around with your flowers must be delightful and the woodland garden must be gorgeous.
Thank you for sharing a beautiful post.
Sending hugs and hope you are enjoying the week
Hi Georgianna, How are you? These Snowflake flowers are so pretty and I love the gorgeous vase. Thank you for sharing such beauty with us all. Happy Spring!! Love Wini xx
Oh, how I’m anticipating the beauty of spring as captured in your photos. I know your treasure box is about to open wide with the advent of spring.
So beautiful, I really like these flowers.
They remind me that spring is on its way even here in the cold Sweden … :)
Hug Linnea
The most lovely snowflakes. We actually got snow here again during the weekend but it’s already gone now. I’m waiting for spring and enjoy your beautiful photos while waiting. Have a lovely Thursday and up-coming weekend! xo
Beautiful drops of spring Georgianna. And so well photographed.
We are still waiting for our ground to thaw. :)
Wonderful! I love your photos!
Oh my … such lovely photography, Georgianna! I found your site by way of Linneas Atelje Photography, and so glad I did! I’m going to enjoy following you very much! Your flowers give me hope for spring, but it’s not to be for us just yet … we are expecting another winter storm this weekend! I do love the snow, and winter, but your flowers here are making me yearn for warmer days! You have a blessed weekend, and I’ll look forward to visiting again!
So beautiful! I look forward to seeing more of your spring flowers and gorgeous photographs, g!
Happy weekend,
Espectaculares imagenes, pura primavera!!
Muchos besos!!
Beautiful pics Georgianna, I love the close ups against the blue wood tinged wood. I always thought these were Snowdrops so I’ve learnt something new today!xx
I wish snowflakes that come to us here, did so in the form of pretty little white petals instead of actual freezing flakes of snow! These are so pretty, Georgianna! I love your photography.
Have a wonderful Easter, Georgianna! :)
absolutely perfect!!!
sending warm Spring thoughts!