Magnolia x soulangiana ‘Rustica Rubra’
A source of springtime awe and wonder, the regal magnolia unfolds its flower goblets to the welcome sun, as it has for millennia, for a million years or more, for this ancient genus has inhabited the planet longer even than bees.
Magnolia liliflora
And so, I find them – at this juncture of the year – a fitting symbol of endurance, an annual reminder of the power of persistence, adaptability, longevity.
Hot, cold, wet, dry – their lineage has not bowed to the vagaries of climates and seasons.
Magnolia ‘Ricki’
Just as we do, in our own way. A season passes, a year, a lifetime. What is left behind? The memories of laughter, the seeds of the future, the unbroken line of family and dreams. Grace and dignity, passed on, passed down. The true essence and vitalness of every individual. The comfort of knowing what will come again.
Sending you thoughts of peace and renewal, for spring or autumn, at the turning of the year.
In loving memory of my cousin David O.
• • • •
– g
Beautiful flower! It deserves such pictures! I loved the second photo, so tender and gentle and almost pellucid!
Hello,Georgianna..Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog.I was surprised to reed from you yourself.I have just discovered your precious photo's and I just love it!!The tenderness of the colours,it really moves me..
These new Magnolia's are really beautifull!
have a great weekend,
greets from Marian from Holland..
Georgianna, what stunning photos! I love the dark sky in some of them. It looks almost ominous, like before a storm, but makes a perfect combination with the pink magnolias against it.
Oh, and I think I forgot to comment earlier about your new website, it's gorgeous. I watched some of the slideshows many times and dreamt of summer :)
you amaze me every time i stop by your blog…really!! your photos are breathtaking.
that is a beautiful memorial for david…
hugs, cindy
One of my favourites…they are kind of primitive looking when you think of how long they have been around.
Lovely watercolour backgrounds, too. :)
Hi Georgianna,
That is such a lovely tribute to your cousin David O. I am going to a memorial service for my cousin this afternoon.
I love the magnolia and have a few in our garden but right now we have banks of snow 4 ft. high in our garden-good thing I actually like snow for awhile at least.
Take care,
Beautiful, I love the backgrounds and little water droplets. We had a lovely big magnolia like that in our home when I was growing up and it was always so special when it came into bloom. Sorry to hear of your Cousin passing, lots of love, C x
Hello G
Such a lovely tribute to the romantic magnolia and your cousin. I only have one, (Leonard Messel)but would love to pick up another from the little girls series.
When in bloom, my favourite shrub to photograph because each stage of the blossoms opening is unique.
Of course, you've captured them in a way that only you can, and they're stunning.
Dearest sweet g, these photos make me feels happy!! I am so glad i came over becoz your photos made me so much better after a bad day at work this week. These flowers are soo gorgeous and i dont think i have seen them here. Have a lovely merry happy weekend and love to you!
OOOOhhhhhh! Cuánta hermosura! Quedo extasiada cada vez que llego a tu casa, la dulzura se puede tocar, la ternura se puede alcanzar.
Es un placer poder admirar tu hermoso trabajo.
Un abrazo
A beautiful tribute to your cousin. We have a magnolia in our garden here in Italy but it will be some weeks yet before it is in bloom and I can post some photos.
This photos are beautiful. And magnolia trees are full of nostalgia for me.
oh so beautiful and how refreshing to see some blooms while we are covered in a blanket of snow. again.
always a pleasure to see your gorgeous images and hear your thoughtful words…..
happy weekend,
Oh my G….I can't wait for ours to bloom here. That 2nd one is dreamy beyond words!
Your words here are spectacular. My thoughts are with you as you remember your cousin.
Beautiful, just about the best thing to start my day!!! Thanks for these beauties!!!
Thanks for the tips to Rosebowl flea market, I didn't make it this time as it was a short trip to LA, but at least I know what to look for next time, thanks so much!
Wow I love magnolia and it is my dream to have one but I don't think it will survive here. It is so amazing beautiful.
Have a nice weekend
I adore magnolia trees, the pink on the petals is just the prettiest thing. What beautiful photographs as always! x
Oh Georgianna! Magnolias are my favourite trees – they are so beautiful and fascinating. Can't wait until they are flowering, but we'll have to wait at least two months for the first to flower. :) Wonderful images!
Have a great weekend! xo
These are gorgeous Georgianna!
Each is so beautifully composed, and the colors are just gorgeous!
A powerful and very special tribute to your cousin David. I love the background on all the photos Georgianna. hugs:)
Magnolias are striking and dramatic, they are just a beauty to see.
Here, the snowdrops and the crocuses are starting to bloom, spring is around the corner and magnolias are one thing worth waiting for as well!
Happy Valentine's Day!
So Pretty Georgianna! I love the pink magnolias, and they may be still around in April here in the South! ;)
Oh wow you are so amazing. Your photos are stunning and completely inspiring! Thank you for sharing you GIFT!
What gorgeous beauty you have captured. Makes my heart pound and my mind is filled with inspiration.
I came here originally for the pictures, Georgianna, and still always come away inspired and amazed when I observe your gift with photography. Now I also come for your words. Today was a lovely tribute to your cousin. Might there ever be a book in your future?
Found a perfect place for my calendar where I can view it every day! Thank you so much!
Hi Georgianna,
What a wonderful tribute to your cousin.
I just love these photographs. The colours and the light is gorgeous.
You talented lady!
Thank you for your kind comments. Always lovely to hear.
Have a lovely weekend.
Ingrid xx
Magnificant photos. I need to go look at my buds. I heard the other day that the squirrel will eat the buds and now I am worried. Last year was the first year mine bloomed. V
Lovely macro photos Georgianna – you must have a very steady hand. You constantly inspire me.
"All Things French"
Oh what a beautiful post, words and images both! I'm so sorry for your loss, dear G.
I love your thoughts here G, the magnolia certainly is a beautiful and powerful symbol of endurance and of course light as spring arrives :)
Dear Georgianna,
Your images are perfect as usual but the words and sentiments you wrote today i Love even more.
persistence, adaptability, longevity.—how true. I needed to read this right now. Thank you x
What an incredible tribute! The closeups are magnificent!
Beautiful! Such gorgeous photography, and a lovely tribute as well. ::Jill
My favorite would be the Liliflora! Beautiful captures, G! :)
And happy valentine's day!
There's not much plans for us today, just a simple dinner. It's our 4th anniversary together as well!
And I only have another semester to go, and then it's definitely gonna be a new adventure. One that I'm looking forward to. :) Too excited for graduation! Hehe.
Hope you've been well, dearest G. Thanks for the constant love and support.
Much love! xx
Oh how I just love your Magnolia pictures!! They are so beautiful – I especially love the greenish-aquaish background that fades to purple! So gorgeous, I only wish I could get such a lovely shot!
What a wonderful reminder of Spring! Just got back from a shot of sunshine in Key West (will be blogging about that later this week), but they didn't have your beautiful blooming magnolias!
Simply gorgeous!
Such a beautiful tribute to your cousin, wonderful magnolia photos in gorgeous tones.
Oh how I long for spring!!! Some of the most beautiful color combinations I've seen in a long time.
This was such an incredible tribute to a cousin whom must have been special to you.
Beautiful post, a very lovely tribute Georgianna.
The second photo is exquisite — love everything about it: the framing, the colours, the dof/smooth background. Beautiful.
Such a beautiful, and touching tribute. Gone, but not forgotten… thoughts and love, x J
A beautiful tribute, G.! xo
Magnolia flowers are gorgeous!
I am so sorry that you've lost your cousin. I am thinking of you and the family who loved him.
Lovely and heartfelt post, G. Loving how to you tie together nature and human kind. Always a pleasure and inspiration to visit. Sorry for your loss. Happy upcoming travels, my dear!