Hello, dear friends!
I hope this finds you very well. I’ve been on location and traveling so blogging time has been a bit limited. But I’m back and thought you’d like to see a bit of what is growing in the woodland garden.
Every year here I do a feature on our amazing hellebores, also known as Lenten Rose, which thrive in our cool and damp climate. When we purchased our property six years ago, I discovered three hellebore plants in one of the beds near the entrance to the house and became entranced with them, although I didn’t know what they were! Since then, I’ve added dozens of them to the garden, mostly in the woodland area, where they bloom from January to May or June. And they leaves are evergreen so they are beautiful throughout the year.
They tend to nod their heads rather shyly, and on flat ground you need to bend over and tip the faces of the flowers up to appreciate their beauty. Since our property is very hilly, I planted them on the upward slope of the woodland garden where we can look up at them from our kitchen window and see all the details inside the blooms. They are among our favorite plants and I highly recommend them if you have the climate that is favorable to them. They can be expensive so I watch for sales and pamper them when planting but otherwise they thrive without much attention and reward us year after year with charm and grace.
I know many of you are finally coming out of a long and harsh winter. I’m so glad to see the signs of spring that you are sharing and look forward to visiting you to catch up on your news.
Wishing you a beautiful week!
much love,
p. s. Delighted to have contributed an article and photos to this wonderful magazine, Beyond the Camera, published by my friend Sarah Gardner, a creator of gorgeous, romantic images. Do treat yourself to a read of this absolutely lovely publication!
Oh dear g, I have some serious hellebore envy! I have a few plants, and am looking to expand my collection. Can you recommend any mail order nurseries?
And oh, the images here are simply gorgeous! I LOVE the beautiful arrangement you made in the Grecian urn. So, so lovely!
I hope you are enjoying spring in your neck of the woods!
Do you think they’d thrive in the the UK climate, so damp and cold in winter, damp and less cold for the rest of the year… ;-) They look so lovely and unpretentious, I like that. Love the first picture and the one where you laid them out on the wood, beautiful. I hope you’re well whilst keeping busy and not overworked. Love from London xo
Dear, dear Georgianna ~ What an exquisite post! I just love the way you beautifully and lovingly displayed the flowers for each shot. How wonderful to be able to grow these beauties.
Love and hugs ~ FlowerLady
How lovely! I can see me trying to grow these when we move to our mountain at the base of Cascades. Another one to add to the idea file!
Lovely flowers, I really like the wonderful color they have :))
Hugs Linnea
These flowers are simply spectacular…each one is so perfect down to every detail! Thank you for sharing your photos – I could stare at them all day long. Happy Spring to you, Georgianna. :)
Georgianna, these are so beautiful.
Is one variety actually black as it looks here.
It is truly stunning.
I have never seen the double petal ones either.
Ours just now have buds, so hopefully soon.
I hope your travels have been wonderful, and it is so nice to see you back here!
P.S. I saw your article yesterday. As always, your work is such a pleasure to me.
I wish I could live in your garden! :)
Dear Georgianna – what a delightful selection of Hellebores from your garden – they are beautiful.
I think that I must learn a lesson from you, and pick some of mine to photograph them properly. They are so difficult to capture with their heads hanging down unless I go very low on the ground – then there is the problem of getting up again!!!
Beautiful! Amazing colours! My garden has just started waking up!
You have such an elegant way of arranging and photographing flowers. So good to see a post from you again!
Pure delight…loved your display of hellebores, what a beautiful collection of images.
Oh heavens, these are beautiful! You must have such a pretty yard. I absolutely loved your previous post too, with the plum blossoms. They’re one of my favorites. Hope you’re doing well. xo
What beauty you brought me today, friend! Thank you!
So many different varieties! I love them all and have recently planted 2 of them in our garden.
I’ve never seen them! Probably our climate is not favorable :( They are lovely shy roses, you are right! :))) Splendid!
Hope you received my last e-mail of April, 11?
I am in love with your hellebores! I only have a few and mine are in pots for now – since my husband and I are doing a massive remodel and overhaul on our house and garden. So right now I have about 5 pots of hellebores sitting in my rental’s window (and even more photos sitting in my external harddrive waiting for some time and attention).
Absolutely lovely! I think my favorite is the dark blue/purple (or is it considered black?). What is the name of the dark one? I would love to grow that species!
They’re wonderful! One of the flowers I’ve wanted to try too, and see whether it can take our winters. Maybe I should, based on this!
Stunning photographs Georgianna. I have favorites, Your little woodland shot and of course, that magnificent close-up of the arrangement in the urn. I’m so glad you’re back. We have missed you. ox, Gina
What a magnificent post. I can’t decide which photograph of these beautiful flowers I love most. Just beautiful Georgianna.
I’ve always loved these flowers, so many varieties! And what I really love, is that they keep coming back with total neglect. The perfect flowers for me:)
G O R G E O U S !!!!
Such beautiful flowers and so many different ones. Love the colour scheme as well.
You’re an artist of displaying flowers in beautiful arrangements and making the most terrific pictures of them. Not so much my cup of tea. I photograph flowers as I find them in the garden. There they make their own arrangements I guess ;-)
What a beautiful and unusual flower. The colour is lovely! The photograph of the flowers in the urn is just gorgeous! I can’t wait for spring!
Hello G
You have creatively displayed your beautiful hellebores.
I have happily been out in the garden the last couple of days and my back is hoping the rain forecast for tomorrow comes so I can rest it. Actually I’ve been having physio treatments for a couple of months and they’ve helped immensely.
Gorgeous as ever! They are like the softest velvet. I particularly loved them in the bouquet on the wooden table. The party dress flower looked like a beautiful brooch! I am hoping to visit the tulip fields in holland this weekend if the weather is kind and has brought them out of their shells! I would love any tips about photographing fields of flowers, never done this before and really want to capture them well? Hugs catherine@bumpkinbears.com xx
What a wonderful and beautiful post! I love the ‘Party Dress’ flowers. Your woodland garden must look gorgeous.
Have a lovely week!
xoxo Ingrid
Oh wow, Georgianna! These are fantastic. Catching up on my blog reading, and yours is such a treat. ;)
Your photography perfectly captures the delicate nature of these beautiful flowers.
Hi Georgianna,
Beautiful blooms! Your photos are stunning and you displayed so well. Also congratulations on the featured in the magazine, well deserved…
Have a happy blooming week!!
The beauties in your garden, oh my.
I have been gardening for two days in gorgeous spring weather. Everything is in bloom, just lovely! I think every muscle in my body is aching after all the work but it feels fantastic!
I’m off to check out that magazine link.
What a magnificent post!!
I have never seen so many varieties impossible to decide which photo is the best!
Have a great week end!
Your hellebores are simply gorgeous, dear! I truly love them all! :)
Fantastico!! Algunas fotos me recuerdan a los grabados antiguos de botanica!
Como siempre tus fotos son sensacionales!!
I always love my visit here at your blog. So many wonderful photos it makes my heart smile…
Wow, they are so beautiful. Are the small tubular flowers in some of the photographs Ericas?
Thanks for sharing such beauty.
What I love most are the antique colors of these hellebores. I hope someday to have my own. Thank you for sharing your stunning photos!
These incredible and charming flowers are a special favorite of mine also. Your beautiful & artistic images of them take my breath away G! Thank you for sharing your Spring garden beauties. :)
I love these too! My faves: Put on your party dress, and the posies later in the selection. I’d certainly love to see a photo of how they grow on your hillside, that would be a spectacular sight, no doubt! (I’m thinking really hilly and steep…..) Lovely photos, georgianna!
Absolutely gorgeous Georgianna! Love hellebores and your have the most pretty ones. Beautiful styling too! Have a wonderful rest of your Sunday and great week ahead! xo
I absolutely love this post on your Hellebores! please come and share it over here at Fishtail Cottage’s garden party? love it! xoxo, Tracie
I don’t have any english glorification words left for you, maybe I should start to write finnish for a change:)
Hello Georgianna , I’m ‘feeling better, but it takes a lot of patience, thank you for your visits, your work always leaves me breathless.Loriana
You made me discover a new flower Georgianna and I’m going to buy a few of them (I saw some for zone 4). How beautiful they are ! You have a lot of varieties, that’s great ! Your photos are superb, I really love how you photograph them on the wooden planks and on the lovely papers. Looking at your post was a wonderful way to end the day…
Happy week-end ! :)
These flowers are beautifully highlighted by your arrangements and posies. Exquisite.
Yes. They are tough as nails. I grow them in the SE of Ireland, no problem whatsoever!
And they’re so beautiful, too! Thanks for stopping by, Mary!