Yes, this has to be the ultimate. I’m sitting in our lovely garden, listening to the birds, smelling the newly…
Badminton net set up for the first time this year First round of the summer tournament played Columbines planted in…
90 Degrees in the Shade
Allium aflatunenense Purple SensationI’ve spent much of the last two days scrambling to water and shelter the plants that have…
A Fairy Garden
Taken yesterday in OregonThis past weekend I took my Mum (Marianna) on a road trip to Salem, Oregon to visit…
First Rose of the Season
Rosa rugosa, Lily of the Valley (Convallaria majelis) and pansy, all from the garden.
The Dawn Chorus
Dawn from our bedroom window The days begin early at Hillhaven in May. By 4:15 we are up, making coffee…
A Perfect Day in May
The kind of day you want to scoop up in your hands and hold forever. Variations on a theme: Fragrant…
Today at Hillhaven
A sampling of images from my walk around our property this morning, plus some later in our studio. I am…
New Images
I have so many projects going right now. Among them, I’ve been working on a series of floral still lifes…
A Magical Spring Morning
Saturday promised fair weather so we ventured on a morning outing to Lakewold Gardens, our first time there. The beginning…
Two Years Ago Today…
Two years ago today we first looked at our house. D had driven by a few days earlier and noticed…
Vessels of Light
Today I made my annual trip to Skagit Valley for the Tulip Festival. The bloom had been so delayed by…