Hello, my friends and very Happy Holidays to you! This is always my favorite week of all, when one can gratefully celebrate everything that has been achieved in the last twelve months and plan for the next year with fresh eyes and a hopeful heart. I’m writing this on Christmas Eve, enjoying twinkle lights and the classic carols of my childhood (while envisioning a taller tree for this window next year).
With the weather in Paris being rather frightful and the world so uncertain, I’ve cancelled all travel plans and am cozying up right here. What comforting activities are you reveling in on this special night?
With the intensity of the last two years, rest and recuperation has become the main agenda. So you’ll find me right here until well into the New Year. I’m not usually good at relaxing but some friends have recommended that I give that some focus. I’ve relocated the loveseat to create a little boudoir area in the master, complete with my new bear from my dear friend Coco and my favorite fuzzy blankets. The little flocked tree is decorated with pink macaron ornaments that I picked up at a local market for a fraction of the cost of similar ones at the trendy stores.
I’ll still be planning locations for my next book and other projects but will be away from the computer and screens for awhile. I’m certain that will be a blessing of its own.
My photograph from the town of Domme is featured on the cover of this wonderful book by the editors of Victoria magazine. Although the book was released last year, I haven’t had a chance to really savor and enjoy it yet so it’s on the top of my to-be-read stack.
I’m designing pretty covers for the radiators in the apartment but am very happy to have them, even bare, as every room is warm and inviting.
And I’m always so happy to have the opportunity to thank each of you for your kindness, support and belief in my work throughout the year. Truly, that means the world to me and I wish each of you a bright and positive year ahead, knowing we’ve come through so much and have so much to look forward to.
Sending all my best in this season of love and hope.
Wishing you a joyous new year 💗
A lovely post! Love your POV….it is important to regroup and this is a perfect time to do so! And, I’m sure your lovely posts and fabulous pictures will make it all the more lovelier for us all! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!