At 5:45 I lept out of bed to see the sunrise, as I always do. Each day it’s later and later, of course. Today, it was pretty much dark but I was amazed to see moonlight still pouring in the room, faint but there. As I stood close to the window (to get bathed in as much moonlight as possible!), I saw the moon to the east, high in the sky but framed perfectly by the top center pane of the windows. And then, within a minute or so, the first pale orange glow of the sunrise began, also in the east, but a bit to the north. The sun itself would rise in another 30 minutes, nearly directly beneath where the moon was at that moment, but at this time of year, the first glow of day begins further to the north.
So there I was, bathed by moonlight coming through one window, and the glow of the sunrise coming through another window. Extraordinary!
The birds began the chattering and jittery flying to and fro that they had displayed yesterday morning, when they kept it up for a good 2 hours. They continued this morning through our badminton game and sporadically after.
Suddenly, at about 10 am, the back property was inundated with birds. At least a dozen robins, many of them youngsters, and a family of Flickers (woodpeckers), as well as a jay or two, descended on the ground and spent a good hour and a half digging around, flying back and forth to the trees, sparing with each other with the most vigorous activity taking place at the bird bath.
David filmed and I took stills, although we did miss the key action, as robins scolded one another for taking their place in the bath, chased each other out of it and splashed one another as they claimed the water as their own. It was completely amazing. And then a woodpecker joined in, although I have to say it had much better manners. They really are such aristocratic birds, and stunningly gorgeous!
how wonderful that you get up to see the sunrise every morning! what a great way to start your day. i used to do that a lot more often when i lived in the country, but now living in the city i can't see the sunrise anyway! i do manage to see the sunset from our new apartment though which is fantastic :)
anyway, i'm waffling, i just wanted to say those bird shots are great, the clarity of them is perfect!
Thank you so much, Éadaoin! Well, I am benefiting from you living in the city by seeing your gorgeous images of Dublin! :)
wonderful images of your area birds! I always enjoy behavioral images where the bird is doing something.. especially love that sweet hovering goldfinch :)
Oh, thank you so much! The behavior was fascinating, you could see their personalities quite well. The robins were feisty but not snotty and horrible like jays, the woodpeckers were gracious and this little goldfinch held his own among the bigger birds. He wanted that bath! I'm glad you think they are okay shots. I really have to practice…