Bonjour, my friends! You may have noticed that cherry blossoms receive most of the fanfare in Paris in spring, but as their delicate petals fade, the city becomes awash in the deep coral-pink of majestic chestnut trees in bloom that far outnumber the cherries. Hundreds, if not thousands of them, line boulevards, shade small parks, brighten up intersections, and drape gracefully over the river banks. These beauties are so prevalent that any wander in any direction will bring you in sight of them. And their blooms last much longer than other spring trees, extending the season into mid May with welcome shade and color.
The chestnut trees in Place Dauphine are a cherished part of this beautiful square, the oldest in Paris. Tranquil and secluded, it is a haven in the midst of bustling Île de la Cité. The breathtaking grove blooms from late April well into May and is at its most charming when the petals begin to sprinkle the sandy ground with drops of pink. In every direction are picturesque scenes taking in 17th century architecture, lampposts, bicycles, quaint benches, vintage shops and cafes.
My favorite spot in Paris has two enormous pink chestnut trees that frame the flower beds at the far end of the garden. Some years, like this one, the chestnut blooms are still vivid and full as the first roses begin to open, creating a beautiful contrast with the elegant architecture.
The trees lining both sides of Rue d’Arcole, also on Île de la Cité, are a different variety with even more intensely-hued blossoms than most around Paris. Even though it is closed for reconstruction, you can capture a magnificent view of Notre Dame Cathedral, framed with blooms, as you walk down the street.
When you plan your spring trip to Paris, do include an opportunity to appreciate the abundance of stunning chestnut trees!
À bientôt!
with love,
Lovely photos as always, doing justice to this less-known form of Parisian arboreal beauty!
Thank you, David! Lovely to be able to share these beauties!
Beautiful trees, I’ve never seen them before. What a perfect place to view them….
Hi Cynthia! I’m glad you’ve discovered these trees now. They are really wonderful! Have a great weekend. 💕